We Manage Complexity
Complex IT, LLC
Information Technology Solutions
IT Consulting & Support
Assessments & Implementations
Computers, Software, Networks, Mobile Devices, the Cloud
Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android
At Our Office, Onsite, or via Remote Support
Commercial & Residential

About Us
Complex IT provides solutions for information technology problems. We help commercial and residential clients make the best use of computers, software, networks, servers, mobile devices, and the cloud. Although we understand the complexities of these technologies, we know how to talk to our clients using clear, everyday language.

Visiting & Contacting Us
Our office is open by appointment during the hours of 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. You can just drop by, but we're sometimes out visiting a client, so it's best to make an appointment so you don't miss us.
9 Meriam St, Suite 1, Lexington, MA 02420, USA
(781) 879-0075